Blogging: Round 2…ish

Hey Everyone!

So, it’s been quite a while. 3 years to be a little more precise since my last post.

Trying to make a long story short, my last post in 2021 I really got into web design and tried to create my own blog and host it myself. That didn’t pan out. Also during that time I became a dad. Then there was work and just regular life stuff seemed to take me away from this blog.

Well, I’m back!

My hopes are to continue at least once a week for now and any other blog post is a bonus. I’d like to start out posting every Sunday and see how that goes.

I’ll be back to blogging about food, books, minimalism, and sprinkling in some random of adventures I may be going on with my family.

Thank you so much to all who are here, who have stayed and followed, and to those who will be joining us in the future.

Talk to you all soon. Peace!

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